Press Media
Teknevia's press presence
Kolay Değil
Mert Güler, the founder of Teknevia, tells the story of the establishment of Teknevia on Kolay Değil, a media channel that produces content about entrepreneurship and business world.
The news of Cumhuriyet, one of Turkey's biggest news sites, about Teknevia and its founder Mert Güler.
Let’s Start Up!
The video telling the story of Teknevia and our founder Mert Güler, published on Lets Start Up, the entrepreneurship and business world channel of Story Box media company.
An article about our product published by Swipeline, a leading entrepreneurship news media company in Turkey
An exclusive interview produced by Upcorn, where you can hear about our founding story and our impact on the boat rental industry from our boat captains and founder
Article published in Onedio, one of Turkey's largest internet sites
Article published about us on ShiftDelete.Net, one of Turkey's largest technology news sites
Bulletin about the story of our founder Mert Güler and Teknevia on the Startup Technology page, which makes news about entrepreneurship and technology.
Yapamazsın Podcast
The podcast episode that addresses the founding of our company with our founder, the meaning of entrepreneurship, and the company's vision.
Yunus ile BABAYANİ İnsanlar
Turizmin Sesi
An article about us published in the Turizmin Sesi, one of the most detailed blog sites you can find about tourism
An article explaining the benefits and working logic of Teknevia
Dünya Atlası
Article describing the activities that can be done with Teknevia
Kapsam Haber
Article about the facilities provided by Teknevia in the field of yacht charter, published by Kapsam Haber.
Railly News
English article describing the working logic and vision of Teknevia
Haber444 article about ways to crown your special days with Teknevia