Rental Custom made 21m Motor Yacht - 203
Arnavutköy, Istanbul
Motoryacht-Owner: Kemal
Dining Capacity: 12 - Full Capacity: 12
The captain responds to the offer on average within 9 hours
This capacity is determined by legal regulations. Thus, cannot be exceeded, even for children and babies.
Rental Terms
Minimum rental period: 2 hours
Remaining payment options: Cash
Free returns up to the last 240 hours
You can do swimming tours on this boat!
On hot summer days, you can cool off in the cool waters of the sea by renting through this boat.
Select swimming tour >
Terms of use
Organization company from outside can be brought inPhotographers can be brought in from outsideUse of cabins is prohibitedFor swimming tours, you must select the swimming tour optionSound system is available and you can use itAlcohol can be consumed
Bluetooth Audio SystemIndoor SpeakerOutdoor SpeakerWCDining Table and ChairSwimming Ladder
Safety Equipments
Life BuoyLife VestEmergency TillerDanger FlareFire ExtinguisherFirst Aid Supplies
Description of Kemal's motor yacht
In cold weather, both floors of our boat can be covered with a tarpaulin.
👉👉👉👉To make a reservation: ➡ Click on "Check Prices" ➡ Choose the date, time and number of people ➡ Choose your food menu or other requests by clicking "Choose Food and Service" according to your request ➡ Click "Inquire Availability" by seeing the total prices. I will get back to your request via Teknevia as soon as possible 🌊
Vehicle Type:Motor Yacht
Brand:Özel yapım
Year of Construction:1988
Last Maintenance Year:2014
Number of Toilets:1
Vehicle Length:21 meter
Built Material:Fiberglass
Price / Performance4.0
Ko*** On** Bo*****
26 Aug 2024 MonDaha iyi olabilirdi
10 kisilik arkadas grubumuz ile bogazda hos bir ani elde ettik. 20:00 binis gerceklestirecegimiz tekne icin 20:05’te “buz yok gelirken alsaniz iyi olur” seklinde arasmasaydik cok daha iyi olurdu. sonuc olarak araclarimizi park etmek icin 10 dakika kadar gec kaldigimiz tekne icin birde buz almaya gidemezdik. disardan bir arkadasimizi bunun icin organize etmemize ragmen yarim saatlik bir kaybimiz oldu. Fakat bunun icin ne bir ozur aldik ne de rezervasyon suremiz uzatildi. Baslangici kendi adima gergin baslayan gecemizin devami hos bir sekilde tamamlandi diyebilirim.