German Fountain Guide

German Fountain
German Fountain

Istanbul welcomes millions of domestic and international visitors each year. Istanbul’s historic structures are a particular point of interest, especially for foreign visitors. It is a great human duty to continue to preserve these treasures over time. The German fountain is significant in this perspective, particularly in light of the historical links between the Ottoman Empire and the German Empire. After his 1898 visit to the Ottoman Empire, German kaiser Wilhelm II was ecstatic. He then made the decision to commission the construction of an Istanbul fountain.

German Fountain History

The German Fountain was built in Germany starting in 1899 and finishing in 1901. In actuality, the project, which was meant to be finished in 1900, was unable to be finished. In actuality, Sultan Abdulhamid’s accession to the throne in 1900 was the actual reason it was considered to be finished in 1900. The Ottoman Empire received this fountain after it was finished in Germany. When considering historical structures to see in Istanbul, it is one of the first things that come to mind. It is a significant piece of literature, particularly in the context of Ottoman-German ties prior to World War One.

German Fountain History
German Fountain History

In Sultan Ahmet Square, the German Fountain was built, as is well known. A sizable crowd attended the ceremony held during the erection with enthusiasm. Neo-Byzantine cores are featured in its architectural design. It truly creates an architectural connection to the Roman-Byzantine hippodrome where it was built in this context. Even though it was constructed much later, it followed the square’s design guidelines. Nevertheless, it should not be overlooked that the fountain was built as a result of German culture. In this context, the German Fountain is particularly significant in terms of the historical German Empire’s monumental awareness. Since the year it was constructed, the German Fountain has remained undamaged.

German Fountain Architectural Features

Max Spitta is the designer of the German Fountain. However, Wilhelm II’s design sketches from 1898 marked the beginning of the work’s design. Max Spitta worked under Wilhelm II’s direction until the job was finished. Max Spitta’s primary sources are few and far between. The encyclopedias created by the artists of the era are used to provide details on the architect, his works, and related information.

German Fountain Architecture
German Fountain Architecture

Throughout the process, the work’s design underwent significant change. The sketches kept by the German Ministry of Culture help us grasp this. It was initially intended to have a smaller, pointeder construction. The design was then expanded by taking the warehouse and the restroom locations into account. It doesn’t have the full look of either an Ottoman or a European fountain. The German Fountain’s decorations can be divided into two main categories.

The first group’s dome’s floor mosaics and the arches’ glass ornaments. The locations where people fasten their belts also have a medallion. The second group consists of the bronze faucet coatings on the capitals and bases of the columns. It has an octagonal form. The tughra of Abdulhamid II and Wilhelm II’s initials may be seen on the ornaments inside the dome. This edifice, which has Neo-Byzantine overtones, is generally regarded as one of the most significant historical works. We can infer that the Kaiser views its structural makeup as being in a hallowed shape.

Location of the German Fountain

The German Fountain’s location underwent construction as soon as the choice to construct it was determined. The decision to construct a hippodrome led to the completion of the area’s afforestation. Then, the groundwork was started. The German Fountain’s construction is dominated by two key challenges. First, the piece is meant to be a present for the Istanbul community. The second is to think it belongs in a square. Up to the time the fountain will be erected, all of the tasks associated with the placement of the fountain have been finished.

Where is German Fountain
Where is German Fountain

The German Fountain is currently located in Sultanahmet Square, beside to the Ahmet I Tomb. One of Istanbul’s most significant historical structures, the German Fountain, is simple to reach. Do not miss this if you are passing through Sultanahmet on your vacation to Istanbul.

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